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Fall, Winter, and Spring rombases
I have made (yet again) another rom base for pokemon Ruby this time its slightly modifed kyledove tiles and there pal is diffrent so there fall tiles now.I stuck with the original Ruby pal because It look nice and kinda like when its fall in my area.
Anyways its screenshot time!


[Image: screen1pq8.png]

[Image: screen2ac7.png]

[Image: screen3ie4.png]

and now for the rombase dowload HERE.


KYLEDOVE (trees, they were unpaled before)

DARK LUCARIO (grass, flowers)

I've edited GC's rombase with the snow and I added some neat tiles. Now the houses have icilces and snow on then the mountains have snow on them too. For the mountains I changed WAH's snow mountain tiles around and came out with this.Now for some screens.


[Image: snowymw8.png]

[Image: snowy2dj4.png]

[Image: snowy3ii9.png]

^ The new mountains.

Now for the rom base click HERE

I have made a spring rom base for Ruby New mountains now fungi in the game. Loads of new things in it. rather than me saying take a llok at the pics and many more little things this one has the most tiles in it than the other ones.


[Image: screen1aj6.png]

[Image: screen2na4.png]

The base is HERE.

Credits: WAH for the Marble Mountains and for the fungi
Kyledove for the trees.
Awesome Dude, we should use the winter one in Flux, Auvalenche Town

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